[S3E21] Desire
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Larry asks Richard what they're going to do next. Richard says next up is an ultrasound and X-ray. Larry wants Richard because he is the best surgeon in this place, or at least he used to be. Richard asks what the problem is. Larry wonders what happened to make Richard lose his desire. Richard says there are other things in life. Larry has to skinny dip in the Amazon to get that kind of thrill. Richard refuses to be browbeaten into keeping his job. When Larry appointed him, he was hungry and the man, but now he's a politician who hands things off. If that's the doctor he has become as well, maybe it is best if he stepped down after all.
For more than 25 years, HTB Strategies Founder Hillary Brill has been innovating and teaching in all aspects of policy. Further, as communications and technology counsel with Covington & Burlington, Brill drafted one of the first primers on Internet Policy. Pursuing her desire to be closer to policymaking, Brill left legal practice to work with technology leader Congressman Rick Boucher.
The Simpsons have dinner with Selma and her new boyfriend Sideshow Bob. During dinner, Bob reveals that while he was in prison, he began building up hatred and the desire to kill Bart for exposing his crime of framing Krusty the Clown[N 1] and started plotting revenge. However, after receiving Selma's response to his "Prison Pen Pal" ad, he fell in love with her and was inspired to become a model prisoner, earning an early release.
It seems also at least from my working with various clients, that, that there seems to be a shift where people genuinely are wanting to adopt pay equity practices and wanting to understand what's going on in their organizations, it's kind of moved beyond the, it's kind of moved beyond this point where it is a mandate for people to this point where, where people have that desire, and they like I, I want to have equitable pay practices within my organization. But it's a shift. And then like you talked about, Gary, that next question is, how can we utilize our data to evaluate this and people are hungry for it? It's, it's not something that they're just going out and, and checking a box, because it's some sort of legislative mandate. There's a true desire that's coming through. And I think that this is a good shift in the right direction.
Tropez 4 Now: All Girls Want Bad Boys: Tina mentions briefly that Griffin has become her favorite member of the band. Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Louise doesn't get why girls scream over boy bands, saying that screaming is for roller coasters, axe murderers, and her dad's morning breath. Boy Band: The band Boyz4Now. They even have the formula of one member being a "bad boy", a cute innocent member (whom Louise becomes rabidly obsessed with), a "shy" one, and a more mature heartthrob. Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: The first table Oscar (the boy whose father keeps mocking Bob and Linda) sets has the theme of Marilyn Monroe. His second table is themed around outer space. When Bob is trying to help Gene come up with a second table-scaping idea, he tells Gene it has to be better than Marilyn or space, to which Linda adds, "Or Marilyn in Space." Chekhov's Gun: In the first scene, Louise comments on how bad Bob's breath is, and Linda asks Bob for help finding her keys because her purse is too cluttered with stuff. These come back near the end of Gene's tablescaping subplot - Bob realizes his breath smells bad, so he asks Linda for a breath mint, and Linda rooting through her purse makes Gene realize he can use items from her purse for his second table setting. Dawson Casting: In-Universe; it's fairly obvious Matt isn't 17 (though how old he actually is isn't made clear). It's even implied he has a kid. Enemy to All Living Things: Gayle pepper-sprayed one of her cats thinking it was an intruder trying to sexually assault her. Everyone Has Standards: Louise's manic love/hate infatuation with Boo Boo is so off kilter even the most rabid fan girls (including one who vomited at the simple mention of boys) stop and pause with concerned looks. Failed a Spot Check: Gene missed the part of the competition description that mentioned he needed to prepare two tablescapes. Freeze-Frame Bonus: Zeke and Leslie's bootleg Boyz 4 Now t-shirts read "Boyz 4 Noo". Friendly Enemy: Oscar (one of the other tablescapers) is actually quite friendly to the Belchers, even wishing them luck in the competition, but his dad is a passive-aggressive jerk. I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You!: Oscar's father hints at his second tablescape in this manner.Oscar's Dad: I don't wanna give anything away, but we're about to take a rocket ship out of this world. Bob: So it's space-themed? Oscar's Dad: I can't say.Bob: Well, it is. You basically just said it. Insistent Terminology: It's tablescaping, damn it! Irony: Bob is unwillingly dragged to the tablescaping competition, only to end up becoming more enthusiastic about it than Linda and Gene. Ditto for Louise regarding the Boyz 4 Now concert; by the end she's more in love with the band than Tina. Marilyn Maneuver: Oscar's Marilyn Monroe-themed tablescape comes equipped with a fan so it can lift up the bottom of the tablecloth in this manner. Mass "Oh, Crap!": In the split-second before Louise slaps Boo Boo across the face, everyone on the bus reacts appropriately. Narm: In-universe; Louise finds the opening of the concert to be laughable when the band is lowered onto the stage with highly visible wires while pretending to use sporting equipment. Noodle Incident: "This is the best thing Aunt Gayle's done since she pooped her pants at the cell phone store last year!" Not So Above It All: Louise initially disdains the other girls at the concert for getting so screechy over the boy band... until she sees Boo Boo and quickly becomes smitten. When discussing a way to get Gene a second tablescaping theme, Bob's immediate suggestion is to steal another kid's. Oh, Crap!: Gene realizes too late that there's more to the contest when he notices that there are four "winners". Pungeon Master: The more Gene describes the menu of his magic-themed tablescape, the more it's clear that he is definitely Bob's son. Rhymes on a Dime: Zeke's cousin Leslie loves to rhyme. Second Place Is for Winners: Gene gets last place out of the four finalists. But because that's the technical fourth best in the regional competition, and because the person Bob wanted to beat didn't win overall, and because it's the best any of the kids have done in anything, the Belchers are happy. Slap-Slap-Kiss: A literal example; Louise has a crazy desire to smack Boo Boo in the face. She gets her wish by episode's end. Squee: All the girls at the band's concert squee a lot over the boys, much to Louise's disgust. It doesn't take long for her to start squeeing herself when Boo Boo comes up onstage. Stage Parent: Oscar's dad, the man who keeps mocking Gene's display and arguing with Bob and Linda. At the end of the episode, Oscar asks his dad if he has to do tablescaping again next year while his father cries about them not winning. Starstruck Speechless: Louise is initially tongue-tied when facing Boo Boo... before her desire to slap him takes over. Suddenly Shouting: Bob when he starts trying to convince Gene to think of a second display so he can win.Bob: Why am I talking like this?! Why am I tal... I think I'm excited! Suspiciously Specific Denial: Matt definitely does not have a daughter, because he is definitely 17. Tears of Awe: In "Boyz 4 Now", a few girls are seen bawling in amazement at Boyz 4 Now's musical performance. Vomit Indiscretion Shot: A random fan is so wound up, she vomits just by being told boys are in the vicinity. We Win, Because You Didn't: Despite Gene placing last among the four finalists, Bob and Linda act as if he won the entire thing when they realize the family they wanted to beat didn't win either.Gene: Them losing is like us winning. Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing: When Gene entered the tablescaping extracurricular at Wagstaff, his only major competition to entering regionals was the Pesto twins, whose twin-themed display was so bad that Mr. Frond cuts off the twins mid-explanation to tell Gene he's won. Worth It: Louise slapping Boo Boo immediately gets her and Tina kicked off of the bus. She doesn't regret it one bit. Would Rather Suffer: Bob admits he'd rather go to the Boyz 4 Now concert than the tablescaping contest.
Shirley Schmidt takes on the case of a man who was spontaneously cured of HIV and is trying to maintain legal ownership of his blood. Meanwhile, when ex-flame Judge Weldon calls on Alan Shore to defend her in a drug case, Alan finds himself having to fend off Denny Crane who is smitten with the sexy judge. Also, Clarence Bell goes up against Jerry Espenson when a girl is kicked out of a sorority for being socially awkward, and Brad Chase's desire to have a military wedding doesn't go over well with Denise Bauer.
Garak makes his way back to the bridge in an attempt to save Tain, but he refuses to leave. Garak tells him that Lovok was a Changeling, and Tain rues that he has become old and let his pride override his instinct noting that in the old days he would have kept someone as smart as Lovok at arm's length. He also tells a pleading Garak that no matter what happens now, he has no intention of returning to his quiet retirement with Mila. Odo has to knock Garak out to force him onto the runabout and escape. As they escape, Tain wryly notes that the Founders are "very good. Next time, we should be more careful." The runabout escapes the Romulan ship before it is destroyed, but is pursued by the Jem'Hadar and loses its shields. When all seems lost, Garak sincerely apologizes and Odo accepts the apology, saying that he understands Garak's desire to return home. The Defiant decloaks and is able to transport Odo and Garak on board. The Defiant attacks and destroys a number of Jem'Hadar fighters, clearing itself a path back to the wormhole. 781b155fdc